Certificate Authority

I run a certificate authority and you’re welcome to use it!


  • Install the Utiku RX1 Root on your client devices.
  • Test the certificate is installed properly by visiting the test site.
  • Send me your certificate signing requests :-)


Apple iOS devices

  • Download the Utiku RX1 Root on your device using Safari
  • Tap allow when the dialog askes if you if you want to install the configuration profile
  • Open the settings app
  • Tap ‘Profile Downloaded’
  • You’ll see the profile named ‘Utiku RX1’. Tap Install
  • A warning will pop up. Tap Install again.
  • Then tap Done
  • In Settings navigate to General -> About -> Certificate Trust Settings
  • Under ‘Enable full trust for root certificates’ turn on trust for ‘Utiku RX1’

Android devices

  • Download the Utiku RX1 Root on your device
  • Open settings
  • Navigate to:
    • More security and privacy,
    • Encryption and credentials,
    • Install a certificate,
    • Select ‘CA certificate’.
  • Navigate to your Downloads folder
  • Select the ca-Utiku-RX1.cert.pem file

Apple Mac devices

  • Download the Utiku RX1 Root on your device
  • Locate the ca-Utiku-RX1.cert.pem file in your Downloads directory
  • Open the Keychain Access app
  • Select the System folder in Keychain Access
  • Select Drag the ca-Utiku-RX1.cert.pem file into the System folder
  • You’ll be prompted for authentication to trust the certificate
  • In Keychain Access search for ‘Utiku RX1’ and double click on it
  • Set ‘When using this cerfificate’ to ‘Always Trust’